2024 Scholarship Opportunities

2023 Scholarship Opportunities


The Jewish Foundation offers needs-based and needs-blind scholarships for high school seniors from Jewish households. All applications must be completed online by May 31, 2024. All applications are confidential and anonymously reviewed. Awards range from $500 to $3,000.

This is a competitive application process. Most years there are more applicants than money available. Therefore, awards are based on the strength of the application.


The Jewish Foundation offers needs-based assistance for New Haven area synagogue schools. The deadline for the online application is October 2, 2024.


The Jewish Foundation offers needs-blind incentive grants for first-time campers to Jewish overnight camp and needs-based aid for first-time and returning campers.

There are over 200 traditional and specialty Jewish overnight camps to choose from. Application deadline is June 10, 2024.


The Jewish Foundation Israel Experience Program enables Jewish students, ages 15–20, the opportunity to participate in an Israel experience to develop, enrich, and reinforce their Jewish education and identity.

Scholarships are for short-term (minimum of 3-week program) and long-term organized Israel educational programs. For 2024 summer trips, applications are due by April 7, 2024. For 2024 gap or academic year programs, applications are due by June 10, 2024.

An essay and 2 recommendations are required. All applications are confidential and anonymously reviewed by the Israel Experience Scholarship committee. These scholarships are needs-blind.

This is a competitive application process. Most years there are more applicants than money available. Therefore, awards are based on the strength of the application.

Let’s Start a Conversation

The Jewish Foundation can help you explore charitable opportunities that work for you. 

The Jewish Foundation is a trusted and expert resource for charitable gift planning and endowments and serves as a partner and resource for synagogues, local Jewish agencies, professional advisors and donors.

When you make a current gift or leave a bequest to the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, you not only benefit our community, but you can also support the causes that are important to you.  You can designate that your gift be used to provide unrestricted funds to help meet community needs now and in the future or to endow a permanent fund to aid identified programs, your synagogue, agencies, organizations, or initiatives (Jewish or not Jewish, in Greater New Haven, Israel or beyond) that are of particular interest to you and your family.

Lisa Stanger, Esq., Executive Director
Tiberius Halai, Grants and Gift Manager
Beth Kupcho, Scholarship and Philanthropy Manager
Stephanie Licsak, Controller
Sarah Domena, Marketing and Communications Director
Tamara Schechter, Create a Jewish Legacy Manager

Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven
360 Amity Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
203-387-2424, ext. 382
203-387-1818 (fax)

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