JCC members Ken and Linda Cohen can remember a time when there was no swimming pool at the JCC. In fact, the Cohen’s were among its original contributors, with Ken also serving on the committee that oversaw the pool’s construction.

Inspired by this year’s JCC Centennial Celebration, the couple decided to add to their legacy of support, funding an endowment to keep the center’s swimming pool program above water for years to come. It is called the Kenneth and Linda Cohen Family Endowment for the Benefit of the Swimming Pool at the JCC and was established through the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven.

An avid swimmer, Ken attributes his good health to his daily pool regimen. So it was a natural for him to dive right in to help keep the next generation in shape by ensuring the JCC Reiter Swimming Pool remains ship shape.

Open to all JCC members, the Reiter Swimming Pool at the JCC  is handicapped accessible and also serves as home to the Blue Marlins swim team. Most important, it is the place where hundreds upon hundreds of children have learned to swim.

As Ken put it, “This is about giving back, think of what the swimming pool and the JCC have meant to so many in the past and how many more people can benefit in the future.” Ken is right –and maybe, just maybe, the next Michael Phelps could be among them.

Ken and Linda used appreciated stock to establish their endowment which allowed them to realize significant tax savings.


 Type of Fund/Area of Need: Funds for Local Jewish Agencies

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Lisa Stanger, Esq., Executive Director
Tiberius Halai, Grants and Gift Manager
Beth Kupcho, Scholarship and Philanthropy Manager
Stephanie Licsak, Controller
Sarah Domena, Marketing and Communications Director
Tamara Schechter, Create a Jewish Legacy Manager

Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven
360 Amity Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
203-387-2424, ext. 382
203-387-1818 (fax)

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