Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven Board Unanimously Approves $54,000 Grant to Israel Emergency Campaign

[Woodbridge, CT; October 16, 2023] – In a unanimous decision, all 23 voting Board members of the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven have approved a substantial grant of $54,000 from the Foundation’s unrestricted funds to support the Israel Emergency Campaign established by the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven.

The decision was reached following a recommendation from the Foundation’s Executive Committee and a heartfelt plea from Lisa Stanger, Executive Director, and Scott Hurwitz, Board Chair, which outlined the urgency of taking a leadership role in supporting Israel during these challenging times. “This is an extraordinary crisis, Israel needs us and it is through this emergency campaign that we can help to meet that need. Through our on the ground partners in Israel, we are actively communicating with our Israel grantees to ascertain both their immediate and long-term needs. Leveraging our relationships with our Israeli partners endures that this distribution is directed to where it will have the greatest impact, “ stated Lisa Stanger.

The Israel Emergency Campaign, a nationwide initiative with a goal of raising $500 million, is being organized through Jewish Federation communities across the United States and Canada, including the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven. The funds will be directed towards urgent needs including providing immediate support to victims of terror, rebuilding damaged infrastructure, and addressing the unprecedented levels of trauma and need resulting from the Hamas terror attack as well as the resulting war with Hamas.

Working in partnership with the Jewish Federations of North America and their on the ground partners such as the Israel Trauma Coalition, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and the Jewish Agency for Israel, the campaign ensures that every donation is efficiently directed to where it can make the most significant impact.

This generous grant of $54,000 comes from the Jewish Foundation’s unrestricted funds.

The Executive Committee acknowledges the possibility of further distributions related to the ongoing situation in Israel, emphasizing that this grant is not an isolated event. “We are immensely grateful for the unanimous support of our Foundation Board in approving this grant. Our Jewish community stands united in times of crisis, and we are committed to providing vital support to our Israeli partners,” said Lisa Stanger and Scott Hurwitz, expressing their gratitude to the Board for their prompt and unanimous response.

The Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven reaffirms its commitment to the principles of tzedakah, solidarity, and support for those in need. This grant represents a significant step towards fulfilling those principles and demonstrates the Foundation’s dedication to making a positive impact during these challenging times. To make a donation to the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven’s Israel Emergency Fund, or to learn about other initiatives where you can help, visit:


About the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven
The Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, Inc. promotes philanthropy with a variety of donors and community organizations to achieve charitable goals and increase current and future support for a vibrant and secure Jewish community, by providing expert endowment management services and philanthropic advice and education to donors, professional advisors, and organizations. The Jewish Foundation is a supporting organization of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, partnering with the Federation to enrich Jewish life, support Israel, and help all people in need. 

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Lisa Stanger, Esq., Executive Director
Tiberius Halai, Grants and Gift Manager
Beth Kupcho, Scholarship and Philanthropy Manager
Stephanie Licsak, Controller
Sarah Domena, Marketing and Communications Director
Tamara Schechter, Create a Jewish Legacy Manager

Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven
360 Amity Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
203-387-2424, ext. 382
203-387-1818 (fax)

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