Building a Stronger Community
The Saltzman Family Fund, DESK and the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven’s Collective Impact

Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK)

Since 1987, Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK) has been a well-known presence in New Haven, offering daily hot meals and a food pantry to those in need.

Addressing evolving societal needs, the organization has expanded its focus beyond food assistance, opening a daytime Drop-in & Resource Center to support the unsheltered homeless as a place of refuge.

Steve Saltzman, a partner at Brenner, Saltzman & Wallman LLP had witnessed the transformation of DESK over the years. DESK’s mission struck a chord with Saltzman, and he felt a responsibility to take action. “It’s important that we support the entire community,” Steve Saltzman emphasized. Guided by this belief, he took meaningful steps to create a long-lasting positive impact.

Enter the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven. Founded with a vision to connect donors with community causes that resonate with their values, the Jewish Foundation offers expert endowment management services, and connects generous individuals to such organizations, growing resources to help build the future and ensure the community’s lasting strength. Saltzman worked directly with Lisa Stanger, Executive Director of the Jewish Foundation, and established an endowment fund to support DESK’s efforts and uphold the organization’s mission

“The Saltzman Family Fund, borne out of Steve’s dedication to his community and philanthropic goals, became a shining example of the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven’s partnership with donors and community organizations,” said Stanger. “With the Jewish Foundation, you can create an endowment to benefit what is important to you. We are thrilled to support DESK with the Saltzman Family Fund, and look forward to watching the fulfillment and expansion of DESK’s mission.”

According to Luis Olmo-Rivera, DESK’s Development Director, the Saltzman Family Fund will cover operational expenses for flagship programs like nightly dinners and the Drop-in & Resource Center. However, the intention is to eventually channel these funds toward developing new services that can effectively address the evolving needs of the community they serve. “The Saltzman Family Fund is crucial for ensuring DESK’s sustained operational funding, enabling the organization to continue its mission of assisting the most vulnerable in Greater New Haven,” says Olmo-Rivera.

The Saltzman Family Fund, DESK, and the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven demonstrate the power of collaboration, compassion, and progress. Through transparent communication, endowment expertise, and a commitment to community, dedicated individuals and forward-thinking organizations can shape the future of positive change through impactful philanthropy.

Steve Saltzman has also established endowment funds at the Jewish Foundation for the benefit of the Jewish Cemetery Association of Greater New Haven, the ADL to fund Holocaust Education, Friends of Jewish heritage Poland, a PACE Fund (Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment ) for the Jewish Federation Annual Campaign, a Donor Advised Fund, as well as a LOJE fund (Lion of Judah Endowment ) in memory of his late wife, Marilyn, to endow her Lion of Judah gift to the Jewish Federation Annual Campaign.

To learn more about DESK visit: deskct.orgTo talk to an expert advisor on how you can donate to the causes you believe in, contact:

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The Jewish Foundation can help you explore charitable opportunities that work for you. 

The Jewish Foundation is a trusted and expert resource for charitable gift planning and endowments and serves as a partner and resource for synagogues, local Jewish agencies, professional advisors and donors.

When you make a current gift or leave a bequest to the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, you not only benefit our community, but you can also support the causes that are important to you.  You can designate that your gift be used to provide unrestricted funds to help meet community needs now and in the future or to endow a permanent fund to aid identified programs, your synagogue, agencies, organizations, or initiatives (Jewish or not Jewish, in Greater New Haven, Israel or beyond) that are of particular interest to you and your family.

Lisa Stanger, Esq., Executive Director
Tiberius Halai, Grants and Gift Manager
Beth Kupcho, Scholarship and Philanthropy Manager
Stephanie Licsak, Controller
Sarah Domena, Marketing and Communications Director
Tamara Schechter, Create a Jewish Legacy Manager

Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven
360 Amity Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
203-387-2424, ext. 382
203-387-1818 (fax)

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